
Week 1 of Skinny Rules

Sidenote:  I thought I posted this when I was supposed to which was August 7th(??) but apparently I did not so here you go, almost 3 weeks late.

Before we get to the main topic, let me just say that I love Menucha Bible School.  If you've never been you really should check it out.  The food is amazing (fresh baked bread with every meal) and the location is gorgeous.  Well worth the cost.

Anyway, yesterday I started following Bob Harper's Skinny Rules.  There are a few rules I won't be following completely (like I'm still having my 1 beer a day and I won't be doing a meatless day), but overall I'm excited to see what happens with it.  My wonderful husband is following it with me so that will help as well because having a partner in these things is always a good thing.  I made sausage stuffed zuchinni last night with roasted green beans/mushrooms and I didn't miss the carbs.  I went to bed hungry and made sure to drink a lot of water during the day.  My afternoon snack was delicious though: sliced apples dipped in non-fat greek yogurt with a serving size of raw almonds.  oh man was it tasty.  I think the biggest challenge for this will be coming up with dinners that don't include carbs.  I'm sure we'll be grilling a lot more and experimenting with fish recipes will be fun.

Like I said in a previous post, I will be posting my weight at the start of every week to help keep me accountable. Yesterday I weighed in at 161.5.  That is over 10lbs heavier than I was when I got married.  I know 10lbs doesn't seem like a lot and I'm still a size 8 so really nothing has changed there, but I can tell if I gain any more weight I won't fit into my clothes anymore.  While I can't really call myself a "Weight Watcher" anymore, I think I still learned a lot from them.  I worked hard when I was on WW and I don't want to lose all that hard work now.  I don't want to go back to the old 196lb me so now, when I can tell I'm gaining weight, I don't let it get past a certain point before I kick myself in the butt and get back to work.  I want to get back to the lean, almost-size-6 I used to be before all this.  I'm getting a gym membership next Friday so I'm looking forward to having that and getting back into a routine with working out.

So that's all for now, have a lovely day!


  1. I'm excited Sophs! Good for you :) I'm reading and starting the Skinny Rules as well and still doing ww as support because I know I still need the accountability. Love you, can't wait to see you soon, keep up the positivity!!!

  2. Awesome soph! Yeah I don't follow the meatless rule either. Or the potato rule. I don't eat bread at dinner though, and occasionally have pasta at dinner..just not as often as I used to. Let me know how its going!
