
stir crazy

I wasn't really planning on updating until I got back from vacation but here I am! surprise!

This morning I've been feeling like a high school senior right before the last day of school.  I'm in a ridiculously good mood and I'm starting to act weird because of it. Me in good mood = large amounts of weird.  Usually only my husband and very few select friends get to witness my weirdness but today my office is getting a slight taste of it.  Somehow I'm managing to stay professional while still being odd, that deserves a medal.

Speaking of medals, my office is doing an office Summer Olympics and we had our first event yesterday.  Our task was to recreate the Olympic Rings with office supplies and here was my entry.  Not pretty but hey, I have quite a few post-its hanging out at my desk needing a job to do so I helped them out.  The black ring is made of the mini binder clips with the metal claspy things removed (yes claspy things is the technical term).

Now, here is the entry that got gold (yes gold).  Notice that the rings aren't even in the correct order of color (and brown isn't even one of the colors!). The person who judged chose this as first because it was "unique".  I can see it being unique compared with all the other entries (all made with ethernet cables since we're an IT company) but for it to win gold, really? I didn't expect mine to win first but compared with the others it could have at least placed. ugh. anyway.  that's my rant.

Now onto music!!  So since my husband got a Sirius subscription my musical taste has really opened up.  this song in particular has been one of my favorites and really the whole album is awesome.  so I'll just leave this here.. enjoy!

Here's another song I can't get out of my head.. it's country so be prepared.

1 comment:

  1. Yours should have won. I am appalled!! Obviously your attention to detail should have at least warranted 2nd place :)
