
Back to the norm

Well, now that I have time to breath and move on with my life, I can get back to normal updates.

So on last normal update before my body decided to implode on me, I was just starting out with the Skinny Rules.  For that one week we did pretty well.  No carbs after lunch and I actually felt more full than usual.  My snacking was at a minimum and if I really really needed to snack on something I would have a piece of fruit.  I felt like I was doing pretty well but never had a chance to weigh myself before being admitted to the hospital.  I did weigh myself when I got home the first time and I was up to 166.  I know I was still full of all the fluids they gave me plus my belly was still full of the gas they pumped in during surgery so I didn't pay much attention to the number.  I was more just curious.

I obviously didn't follow the rules when I was in the hospital but my appetite was so little I don't think it mattered much. And by little appetite I mean little. One of the the breakfasts I was given I just drank the milk and the juice, I don't think I actually ate anything.  That was pretty true for my whole stay there.  The first time I felt like I actually got something filling was when one of my visitors brought me a Jamba Juice.  Nothing else I had been given up to that point sounded good but Jamba Juice did the trick.  It was also my first experience with hospital food and yeah, it's pretty bad so maybe that's why I didn't have much of an appetite. anyway. moving on.

So a light appetite and a loose following of the rules brings me to now.  I weighed myself this morning and I'm actually down to 156.2 which is progress so I'm happy.  Since standing for long periods of time hurts my back, cooking has been a little harder to manage the past few days.  I've decided that ease of cooking is a higher priority than following the rules completely so we've occasionally been having carbs at dinner just to make it easier on me plus it's been ridiculously hot so anything I can cook without using the oven has been helpful.

As far as exercise goes, I can't see myself doing much more than walking for the next couple weeks.  Maybe towards the end of September I can get that gym membership and start working out again.

Anyway I need to end this here.. I got a lot of work to do and only so much time to do it in.  Time to stop distracting myself :)

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