
Skinny Rules Update

it's been a couple weeks since my last update but I didn't really have anything to share last week.  Over Labor Day weekend I gained about 3lbs from a combination of being lazy and eating wayy too much.  Needless to say I was a little ashamed so I didn't want to share.  Now that I had a great weekend with no overeating I feel better about sharing it.

Weight update: 154.0.  That's right, I'm back down to where I should be (almost).  Once I can start working out again I'm hoping to get that down even further and get my muscles back in shape.  I can tell I hardly have any muscle anymore and I don't like it.  I miss the leanness I had when I was working out/running so that's my goal.  Not sure when that'll happen though do to finances and my recovery but we'll see.  At the very least my hubby and I will be hiking again as soon as San Diego gets the memo that it's almost Fall and shouldn't be 90+ degrees in September.

Thoughts on Skinny Rules:

Since we've been getting back into the rules, I've realized I'm going to use them as more of a guideline.  Some nights it's easier to just have carbs with dinner because it's what we have in the house and cooking a whole meal without carbs is a lot of work sometimes.  Plus I'm still having some sort of alcohol when I get home from work because it helps me relax after a day at the office.  I know if I strictly followed the rules I would lose faster, but I'm kind of approaching this the way I did Weight Watchers.  If I follow the rules my own way and do it in a way that makes it easy for me, it's more likely I'll keep doing it.  I know that doesn't give me a lot of accountability but I'm still following the rules as much as I can and as much as I'm comfortable with.  Maybe over time I'll follow them more but for now I'm going to slowly incorporate them into my habits.

I was going to leave you with a funny video or something but I'm pressed for time and want to get this posted so I'll find something good for next time.

cheers :)

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